Programs & Activities

We offer a variety of extra-curricular activities for our students.

Ch​ess Club​

Day:   Tuesdays
Time:   3:30-5:00 p.m., library
Contact: Eugene Brown  253-365-2221

W​AM (Washington Art Movement):

Day:  Wednesdays and Thursdays
Time:   3:30-5:00 p.m.

The Young Ambassadors

The Young Ambassadors of Physical Education is a group made up of elementary students representing various schools throughout the Tacoma School District.  Elementary students are chosen through a tryout process based on their physical fitness level, jump roping abilities, and rhythmic and gymnastic skills. These elementary students must also have good academic and citizen standing.

Tryouts for the Young Ambassador team takes place each year in October. Young Ambassadors promote self-esteem, teamwork, and fitness. The Young Ambassador group carries the message of the importance in making healthy choices for ourselves each and every day.  Each year the Young Ambassadors perform at school assemblies, sporting halftimes, and various community events throughout Washington, California, Oregon and Canada.

Contact:  Toni Norling 253-571-5718